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Violation Of A Duty Of Trust Leads To Maximum Sentence For Sexual Predator

After pleading guilty, a 36-year-old former volunteer firefighter received the maximum sentence for repeatedly sexually assaulting an 11-year-old minor in West Virginia. The crimes took place between March 2023 and July 2023. William Pettry pled guilty to sexual assault in the first degree, sexual abuse by a parent, guardian, custodian, or person of trust, and use of a minor in the production of child pornography.

Defense attorneys attempted to persuade the judge for a lighter sentence assuage by pointing out Pettry held a position as a community servant with the volunteer fire department, but the judge sentenced the man to the maximum, citing the man showed little remorse for his acts and that the victim would likely live with the trauma for the entirety of her life. The victim had just experienced the death of a close family member right before Pettry began abusing her. Gailyn Markham, "Former Raleigh County firefighter receives maximum sentence for sexually assaulting minor", www.wvva.com (May 6, 2024); https://www.wvnstv.com/news/former-firefighter-to-serve-up-to-130-years-in-prison-on-child-sex-crimes/

Commentary and Checklist

The perpetrator was deemed to have committed sexual assault in the first degree because he was a considered a "person of trust". The victim was particularly vulnerable, having just lost a close family member to death. The relationship of the perpetrator to the victim was not described.

Child predators often reveal behavioral signs that observant safe adults can notice. If you do, interrupt the behavior, and if you reasonably suspect sexual abuse has occurred, report it immediately to law enforcement or to child protective services.

What are behavioral signs of possible predators safe adults should be aware of and watchful for?

  • A desire to be with children/students or one particular child/student without other adults present
  • Goes to great lengths to build trust with children/students and adults around them
  • Looks for and/or creates opportunities to be with children/students away from parents and other adults
  • Provides gifts, money, or attention to children/students without parent, caregiver, or organization knowledge and/or consent
  • Takes and collects images of children/students not related to them
  • Acts like a child/student and does child-like things to receive attention from children/students
  • Prefers the company of children/students to adults and/or is uncomfortable around adults
  • Wants children/students to view them as preferable over other adults
  • Fixates on one or a few children/students while ignoring others
  • Gives special permissions, such as, increasing grades without merit, allowing students to sleep in class, or allowing children to bend organizational rules
  • Asking a student to stay after class alone without other adults/students present
  • Communicates directly to children/students online or other means without parent, caregiver, and/or employer knowledge
  • Disrespects or demeans parents, caregivers, and other adults to children/students
  • Frequently touches children/students, sexually or otherwise
  • Makes sexual comments or uses sex speak around children/students
  • Makes comments to children/students about their bodies or appearance
  • Views, stores, and shows pornography to minors
  • Provides alcohol or drugs to children/students or permits children/students to abuse alcohol or drugs in their presence
  • Has coercive sexual fantasies
  • Is impulsive and has antisocial tendencies
  • Prefers impersonal sex
  • Is hostile toward women
  • Has a childhood history of sexual or physical abuse
  • Talks about sexual activities regarding children, students, or teens
  • Encourages children/students to keep secrets
  • Requests adult partners to dress or act like a child/student during sex
  • Identifies children/students using sexual slang terms
  • Frequently visits places where children/students are present
  • Loiters in places where children/students are nude, semi-nude or can be viewed without notice, such as, bathrooms and locker rooms
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